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SENSAS take your senses on a journey and help raise money for charity

Most of us all have the five basic senses of touch, sight, hearing, smell and taste but have you ever taken them on a challenge? At SENSAS you can do just that.

Before I tell you more about SENSAS the most unique ultimate experience you can ever enjoy within London I will explain a little about how our senses work.

Touch – this is thought to be the first sense that us humans develop. Touch is communicated to the brain through specialized neurons in the skin. Pressure, light touch, vibration, temperature, pain and other sensations are all part of our touch sense. However did you know that touch can also influence how us humans make decisions. Texture can be associated with abstract concepts and touching something with a texture can influence the decision we make.

Sight – looking through our eyes is a complex process. The cornea bends light which passes through the hole of the pupil. The iris works like a shutter of a camera, retracting to shut out light or opening wider to let in more light in. The lens of the eye then bends the light and focuses it on the retina, which is full of nerve cells. All information is then translated from the light and sent as an electrical impulse to the brain through the optic nerve.

Hearing – sound is funnelled through our external ear and sent to our external auditory canal. The sound waves then reach the tympanic membrane. This is a thin sheet of connective tissue that vibrates when sound waves strike it. The vibrations then travels to the middle ear which events the auditory ossicles which there are three tiny bones. They are called the malleus, incus and stapes and this is where all the sounds waves and vibrations are put together helping us hear sound.

Smell – we have over 1 trillion scents which is found on the roof of our nasal cavity, which is next to the smelling part of our brain, the olfactory bulb and fossa. Nerve endings in the olfactory cleft transmit smells to the brain. Plus we have 400 smelling receptors. Getting older can also lessen the ability to smell properly.

Taste – gustatory sense is usually broken down into the perception of different tastes of salt, sweet, sour, bitter and savory. Spice though is not a taste it is actually a pain signal. Taste is sensed via our taste buds. Adults in fact have between 2,000 to 4,000 taste buds. Most of them are on the tongue, but they also line the back of the throat, the epiglottis, the nasal cavity and the esophagus. They work like funnels in which the tiny taste hairs bind chemicals to the cells for tasting. Did you know that smell of food greatly affects how our brain perceives taste plus texture.

I and a bunch of community members of Love Pop Ups London Club took our senses on an adventure together as we tackled a variety of sensory challenges.


The first SENSAS opened up back in 2015 within Marseille, France. Since then 15 other venues have opened with more still to pop up over several countries.

Embark on a unique multi sensory experience with SENSAS which is a one of a kind entertainment activity providing an innovative and fun concept which takes your senses on a challenge as you touch, watch, listen, smell and taste.

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