Anvio VR

Love computer games?
Love virtual reality?
Love escape room type games?
Then you’ll love Anvio VR

Anvio VR is designed to provide complete freedom of movement for the player. Within a virtual world you can shoot, detonate, play football and do much more, all together with your friends. Their large play area and fully wireless system means you don’t have to worry about tethers or running out of space, creating an incredible level of immersion. Erasing the line between the physical and virtual worlds, they aim to bring you an experience unlike any other.

They are fully committed to expanding their library of games in order to provide diverse content. This guarantees that you will always have something to look forward to. There’s no limit to their variety of virtual worlds!


Thanks to Anvio VR who let some community members of Love Pop Ups London come down to shoot down some zombies. 

Discover more and read our write ups….

“Fun and fast paced zombie killing rampage”

November 2018

Leanne blog

Have you ever imagined what it would feel like to be attacked by hundreds of zombies with nothing to defend yourself with except a gun? Well yeah I have as well, and this experience was just that. This was one of the most realistic VR experience I’ve ever had and a testimate to how far the technology is coming along.

November 2018

Steve blog

Zombie Apocalypse has arrived… are you ready?

November 2018

Chelsea blog

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