Tag Archives: Belgian Chocolate

Essex Bakery eat brownies, eat cakes, treat yourself

We all love a sweet treat from time again and Essex Bakery certainly can help with your craving as they sell freshly made chocolate brownies which are made from the finest Belgian chocolate and professional cakes.

Courtesy of Essex Bakery they gifted me a PR sample of their indulgent brownies to try at home.

Essex Bakery

Since 2011 founders Nat and Gary Essex have grown their business providing happy customers with their chocolate brownies. All of their brownies use only the finest quality ingredients from fresh eggs, real butter and Belgian chocolate.

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Chocolate Dino get your gnashers round these Jurassic brownies

Love brownies? then look no further as these monstrous brownies by Chocolate Dino will make all the other brownies you have eaten on in the past extinct.

I was gifted a box of their epic brownies to indulge in whilst trapped at home due to the attack of Covid 19.

Chocolate Dino

Chocolate Dino are producers of handmade 100% Belgian Chocolate brownies which are all unique in look and flavour.

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Fit not just for Royalty – Choc on Choc

I love chocolate and I can’t get enough of it so when I had the pleasure in sampling some unique chocolate creations by Choc on Choc I jumped to the chance.

I opted for a selection of Choc on Choc unique Royal Wedding chocolate gift sets to celebrate HRH Prince Harry and Meghan upcoming nuptials and I chose to also try the retro lollies as Summer is here and the sun is out. Firstly though let me tell you a bit more about who Choc on Choc who they are and how they started out. Continue reading